Day: December 15, 2022

Create and send an MQTT packet using an ESP8266Create and send an MQTT packet using an ESP8266

First, you will need to include the MQTT library in your sketch:

#include <PubSubClient.h>

Next, you will need to create a PubSubClient object and specify the IP address and port of your MQTT broker. You can use the setServer method to do this:

PubSubClient client;
client.setServer("", 1883);

Then, you can connect to the MQTT broker using the connect method of the PubSubClient object. This method takes the client ID and a boolean value that specifies whether to use clean session mode as arguments. Here is an example:

client.connect("esp8266", true);

Once you are connected to the MQTT broker, you can publish a message to a topic using the publish method of the PubSubClient object. This method takes the topic name and the message as arguments. Here is an example:

client.publish("esp8266/topic", "Hello, world!");

You can also subscribe to a topic using the subscribe method of the PubSubClient object. This method takes the topic name as an argument. Here is an example:


When you receive a message on the subscribed topic, the messageReceived callback function will be called. You can define this function to handle the received message. Here is an example:

void messageReceived(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length) {
  // Do something with the received message

You can set the messageReceived callback function using the setCallback method of the PubSubClient object. Here is an example:


I hope this helps!